
The Jeweld Scepter Caper Part1

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Part 1: The Crime she Didn't Commit

"In a workshop in the visinity of the Mystic Ruins, Miles 'Tails' Prower is hard at work doing what he loves best; building gadgets for his best friend, Sonic the Hedgehog, who just so happens to pay a visit to the busy Two-Tailed Fox."

Sonic: (run inside) Hey, Tails, what's my little buddy up to today?

Tails: Sonic!?  You gotta stop scaring me like that.  Here, let me show you. (walks up to a big mechanical ring with the Red Chaos Emerald inside) Lately, since our last encounter with both the Chaos and Sol Emeralds, I might have figured out a way to actually cross into Blaze's world whenever we want.  So, I've come up with this, the Sol Portal MK 4.

Sonic: Alright, Tails.  That sounds Awesome.

Tails: Well, if Eggman could do it, so can I.  However, I haven't found a way to make it work, even with a Chaos Emerald powering it.  Even if I do, according to my calculations, it will only be a one-way trip.

Sonic: One way, huh?  Well, I suppose you've figured out away around that, don'tcha?

Tails: Yeah, I have. (takes out a remote control)  If my calculations are correct, this will allow us to open the portal in her world and everyone who went through to return home, lickity-split.

Sonic: That's great, Tails, that's.... hmmm...

Tails: (sets his remote control down on the Sol Portal) Is something wrong, Sonic?

Sonic: Huh?  Oh, nothing.  (stops to collect his thoughts) Ever since I parted ways with Blaze, I've found myself lost in thought around her at times.  Sometimes, I can't even sleep at night without thinking about her.  Weird, isn't it?

Tails: Sonic... are you saying that you might have a thing for Blaze?

Sonic: (moment of silence) Tails, you're my most trusted friend.  You've been like a kid brother to me, so I'll tell you. (another moment of silence) ... Yeah, I do.

Tails: You do realize that if Amy hears about this, she'll kill you, right?

Sonic: Heh, heh, she's gotta catch me first.  So, anything else you're doing?

Tails: Right now, I'm using my other Chaos Emerald to test out the prototype for the Tornado 3. (holds up the Cyan Chaos Emerald and throws a set of keys to Sonic) Could you lock up after I take off?  I'll be gone for at least 2 days.

Sonic: Sure thing.  You can count on me, buddy.

Tails enters the hanger in his workshop.  The new Tornado 3 takes off and flys into the wild blue yonder.  Sonic then commences to see that everything is in order.  As he walks to the front door, he starts to hear buzzing.  Sonic jumps to the side as Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, and Charmy Bee burst threw the door and fall to the floor.

Charmy: Tails, Hey Tails, do ya have anything cool to play with?

Espio: Charmy, Tails's inventions aren't toys.  Sorry about the door, Tai... Sonic?  What are you doing here?

Sonic: I was just closing up shop.  Tails is off testing a new plane, and he'll be gone for 2 days.

Vector: Sonic, maybe you can help us.  You see, I've refused Charmy's request to buy him a Nintendo Wii, and he's not too happy about it.  What I'm saying, with him here in Tail's Workshop...

Charmy: Hey, I wonder what this thing's for.

Vector: Stop him before he ruins the place!

Sonic, Espio, and Vector chase Charmy around Tails's Workshop.  Charmy uses Tails's things around him to block the others' path to him.  He soon comes across the remote control on the Sol Portal.

Charmy: Cool, I didn't know Tails had a remote control airplane. (puts the remote in his pocket.  Sonic grabs hold of him) Hey!

Sonic: That's enough, Charmy.  You can't come barging in and touch all of Tails's things.

Vector: There he is...! (He and Espio slide into the wall) Oof!

Sonic: Guys, be careful. (a book on a shelf on the wall falls off) Some of this stuff is breakable, and... Oof! (the book falls on his head.  He falls over and bumps his head on the Sol Portal) Uhh...

Espio: Sonic! (Sonic loses consciousness. The Sol Portal activates) Sonic, are you alright?

Charmy: Is he dead?

Espio: (checks Sonic's pulse) No, he's just out cold.  He'll be fine.

Charmy: Way to go, Vector, you made Sonic go out cold.

Vector: Hey, don't pin this on me, Charmy.  You...

At that moment, all four are sucked into the Sol Portal without them realising it and disappear.  Meanwhile, in a dark dungeon, two guards are holding on to Blaze the Cat.  They drag her to a prison cell as she tries to kick her way free and throw her in.

Guard: Now, stay in there. (locks the cell) We'll be back for you shortly.

Blaze: You can't do this to me!  It wasn't my fault.  I've been set up! (the guards walk away) Great.  I'm stuck in my own dungeon for something I didn't even do.  On top of that, the real crook is getting away.  I've got to do something.

Vector: (the four appear behind her out of nowhere) ... You were the one messing around with Tails's gadgets.  This is all your fault.

Blaze: (aside as she turns around) Who the heck are they?  How did they get in here, and do they know Tails?

Espio: That's enough, Vector.  It doesn't matter who did what.  Now, we have to clean up this place before Tails gets back.

Charmy: Are you sure he's not dead?

Espio: I'm sure of it, Charmy, he's not dead.

Charmy: Aw, man, what is Tails gonna do to us when Vector tells him that we might have killed Sonic?

Vector: Me?  Why do I have to...

Blaze: (gasps) Sonic!?! Out of my way!

Espio: What the...? (Blaze pushes them out to the side) Who are you?

Vector: Huh?  Better question; what in the world happened to Tails's Workshop?

Blaze: Sonic, please wake up. Please... say something!

Sonic: ...Something... (sits up) Uh... what hit me... Blaze?!?  What are you doing back in my world?

Blaze: (sigh of relief) Thank goodness you're alright, Sonic, but I'm not in your world.  You're in my world.

Sonic: Then that means... Tails's invention... it worked!

Blaze: What do yo mean?  You've found a way to travel to my world...

Vector: Whoa, whoa, whoa!  Hold the phone.  Do ya mind telling me what the heck is going on?

Blaze: You three! (puts her guard up) Why have you attacked Sonic?

Espio: (pulls out a shuriken) Miss, we don't want any trouble.  If it comes to it, I will fight you.

Sonic: Cool it, both of you. (stands inbetween Blaze and Espio) It was just an accident, and Blaze, these guys are okay.  They're chums of mine.

Vector: You see, it was all a huge misunderstanding.  Allow me to introduce ourselves.  My name...

Charmy: (flies in front of Blaze) Hi!  I'm Charmy!  Who are you? Huh? Huh? You wanna play?

Vector: Not now, Charmy. (pushes Charmy aside) Like I was saying, I'm Vector, and this is Espio.

Espio: It's nice to make your aquaintence.

Vector: Together, we are the Chaotix Detective Agency.  Perhaps you've heard of us and our exploits...

Blaze: I haven't because you three and Sonic are from another dimension.

Espio: What?  Another dimension?  Alright, you two have some explaining to do.

Blaze introduces herself and tells the Chaotix that she's the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.  Sonic tells them about how they saved both their worlds twice and about the Sol Portal Tails created.

Sonic: ...and somehow, we were able to activate the Sol Portal, and then, "POOF!" we're all here.

Espio: I see.  Interdimensional travel is scientific breakthrough, though it seems strange that Tail's invention would take us to a prison cell.

Charmy: Jail is for bad guys.  I'd like to teach the punk who been sent here a thing or two.

Blaze: (sighs) It's my cell.

Sonic: What!?!  Why are you in here?

Blaze: Listen, Sonic, I need your help.  A crime has been commited, and I've been framed for it.  I've tried to tell the authorities this, but no one will believe me.  Now, I fear that the real criminal might get away, and I might loose everything.

Sonic: Blaze, calm down.  How did this all happen?

Blaze: Alright.  Last night, a robbery took place.  The crook tried to steal the Jeweled Scepter.

Vector: What's a Jeweled Scepter?

Blaze: It's an ancient treasure and the key to the "power of the stars".  It's what binds my world with yours.  Anyway, I heard the robbery happening and saw the perpitrator run off with the scepter.  I had him cornered, but then he did something weird; he threw the Scepter to me and left.

Charmy: That doesn't sound like something a thief would do.

Blaze: It gets worse.  When I had the Scepter in my hands, three blasts of energy escaped the scepter by itself.  The blasts destroyed these ancient ruins outside the castle town.

Espio: Why would the scepter do that?

Blaze: I don't know, but the only thing the authorities saw was the Scepter in my hands when the ruins were destroyed.  Now, everyone's convinced that I was the one that attempted to steal the scepter and destroyed those ruins.

Sonic: Not everyone.  Blaze, I believe that you didn't do it.  All we have to do is convince everyone else that as well.  Don't worry, I'll make sure of it.

Blaze: Really? (Sonic nods) ...Thank you, Sonic.

Vector: Reality check, guys.  We're stuck in here, and if I'm right... (bites down on the bars) OW! There's no way to get out.

???: Your highness, Your Highness!

Charmy: Hey, check it out.  It's a koala.

Blaze: Gardon! Is that you?

Gardon: (runs up to the cell) I came as soon as I could... Oh, my!  How did all of you get in there?

Sonic: It's a long story, pal.  Can you get us out of here?

Gardon: Of course.  As captain of the guard, I have access to the master key. (unlocks the door) Come, your highness, you have to follow me.

Blaze: Why? Locking me in a dungeon wasn't bad enough?

Gardon: Princess Blaze, someone has made your bail.  You are expected in court right away.  This is your chance to clear your name.  I know that you're innocent.

Espio: Wait a minute, you're a princess?

Charmy: That's so cool!

Gardon: Let's go, your highness.  It's mandatory that I escort you myself.

Sonic: I'm coming with you, Blaze.

Blaze: What?

Sonic: Like I said, I'm gonna make sure that we prove your innocense.  That's a promise.

Blaze: You're really going to do that for me?

Sonic: Of course, Blaze.

Blaze: ...Thank you.

Charmy: Oh, can I come, too?  Can I?  Huh?  Huh?  Please?  Aw, come on...!

Vector: Charmy, how are you suppose to behave yourself in something as offical as a court hearing?  You can't even stay still in your sleep.

Charmy: I'll be good.  C'mon, Vector, you can trust me.  What do ya say, Gordy?

Gardon: Uh... there is nothing that saids I can't let you, so it's really up to Sonic and Blaze.

Sonic: I say go ahead.  Blaze needs all the support she can get.  Epsio, promise me that you'll keep Charmy under control.

Espio: I will.  You can count on me.

Gardon: Then let's go. (puts mechanical handcuffs on Blaze) I'm sorry, Princess Blaze, but it's protocal that I do this.  They are designed to repel your powers.

Blaze: It's alright as long as it helps me clear my name.

Vector: (aside as everyone else starts leaving) Hmmm... Sonic... and Blaze. Can it be...?  heh, heh, heh... (starts catching up) Looks like Chaotix has two mysteries at our doorstep.

To be continued...
A SonicXBlaze story featuring Team Chaotix, Part 1.

Sonic, Vector, Espio, and Charmy are transported Blaze's world through Tails's latest creation. Blaze tells them that she's been accused of stealing the Jeweled Scepter.

Tails and Gardon belong to SEGA.

Part 2 [link]
© 2008 - 2024 BlackCarrot1129
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Blaze Adventure 2